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Ольга Петрова «Мистецький Київ 1990-х. Реконструкція»


Author: Olga Petrova
Language: Ukraine
Year of publication: 2020
Number of pages: 479
Size: 145 x 215 mm
Cover: soft

Category: Tags: , , , , Product ID: 609


Well-known artist and art critic Olga Petrova wrote a journalistic chronicle of the artistic process in Kyiv (in the late 1980s and early 1990s) during Ukraine’s independence and in the first decade after that. This is not a dry list of facts or events. Olga Petrova describes first of all her experience as a direct witness and participant, by her admission, she acts in three guises: active artist, observer, and critic. At the presentation, it was heard more than once how brave and sincere it is to write about those who are still living and working. The author emphasizes: “The book is dedicated to the unconditional power of Freedom under the spell of its groundlessness.”

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