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New Exhibition: White and Black in the National Academy of Art of Ukraine

The works from the Stedley Art Foundation take part in the exhibition organised by the National Academy of Art of Ukraine. 
On December 28, 2023, the opening of the contemporary art exhibition “White and Black” took place. The works are presented by well-known artists, including Nazar Bilyk, Yuriy Vakulenko, Oleksandr Dubovik, Olesya Juraeva, Oleksandr Zhivotkov, Yehor Zigura, Oleksandr Klymenko, Anatoliy Kryvolap, Pavlo Makov, Mykola Matsenko, Roman Minin, Anna Mironova, Arsen Savadov, Serhiy Svyatchenko, Viktor Sydorenko, Tiberii Silvashi, Marina Skugareva, Oleg Tistol.
The art project is designed to actively influence the viewer, to focus his attention on the fundamental values of life, the search for internal resistance to life’s troubles, and to broadcast new ideas. Through creativity, authors translate complex philosophical doctrines into artistic language that explain the essence of human existence, immerse the viewer in an environment where deep insights await the viewer.
Location: 20 Bulvarno-Kudryavska str., Kyiv. 

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